Discuss how the breathing mechanism works. Encourage learners to explore their own breathing mechanism, e.g. when breathing in, they can imagine they are inflating a rubber ring around their middle. When exhaling, they can produce a ‘ssss’ sound, as though the ring has sprung a leak.
This activity may be used as homework, which learners practise to achieve greater control.
As an extension activity, ask learners to stop and start the ‘ssss’ sound, all in one breath, to develop control of the diaphragm.
As a follow up, some learners may wish to be given a more detailed explanation about breath control.
Demonstrate how to support the voice and emphasise how good support affects all aspects of singing. Ask learners to sing a slow crescendo and diminuendo on one note, at a comfortable pitch. Apply the technique to appropriate phrases in songs and discuss the expressive effect.
Ensure that learners maintain a constant pitch when using a slow crescendo and/or diminuendo.
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