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This free course explores pitch, considering how musical sounds are differentiated as notes and as systems of notes and how they are represented.
This free course explores form, or the ways in which music is organised in time, using examples from popular music, jazz, North American indigenous song, African dance music and Hindustani classical music.
This is a free resource focusing on the classical concerto with Mozart as the starting point. It incudes links to music by women of Mozart’s time and an animation about Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de St. Georges.
This free course explores the form of popular songs, and strategies for communicating how music is organised in time.
Recording Music and Sound provides an historical introduction to music and sound recording in the creative industries and offers some guidance about making your own recordings.
This report is the outcome of an event held on 16 July 2024 which brought subject associations together to discuss the roles that they, and the subjects they represent, play in climate change and sustainability education in schools.
Music Mark’s new podcast will dive into important topics and challenges facing the music education sector, speaking to a range of exciting guests and providing you with resources and advice to improve your practice.
The groundbreaking Over The Digital Horizon project from Wiltshire Music Connect provides a series of inspirational resources and webinars which explore how digital technology can transform access to musical opportunities. Following the closure of Wiltshire Music Connect, the Over the Digital Horizon content is now available to acccess here on the Music Mark website.
Why Music? from Wiltshire Music Connect, provides a range of resources to explain why music matters to children and young people.
This guide provides ideas and resources around channelling anxiety into positive, effective action, the power of talking about the issue and suggestions for teaching about the climate crisis, as well as providing support for managing the symptoms of anxiety.