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Ten tips for making more environmentally friendly choices in your work as a musician.

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Paul Seath’s weekly LinkedIn People and Workplace Updates, aimed at HR professionals, provide food for thought and simple ideas you can implement internally.

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A website from the creators of huntschoolmusic aimed at supporting secondary music teachers, especially those working in one person departments. The site houses specialist KS3, 4 and 5 teaching resources, non-specialist cover, student revision and homework materials.

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The #CanDoMusic campaign was created to support school and instrumental and vocal music teachers and signpost them to practical resources so that children and teachers #CanDoMusic in school. The campaign aimed to ensure all children and young people could resume their musical learning as schools reopened after the COVID-19 lockdowns.

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Tools and guidance, blogs and case studies to help you break down barriers to music-making. From the Alliance for a Musically Inclusive England and Youth Music.

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A Blog Post from John Finney.

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