Applications open for Sound Connections INNOVATE Programme
5th April 2018

Sound Connections are pleased to invite applications for Innovate; Sound Connections’ longstanding programme supporting music projects for children and young people in challenging circumstances in London.
If you are working with people age 0-25 in London through music then you can apply for investment and support of up to £2250 to explore new ideas and approaches to working with children and young people in early years (0-5 years) and/or those facing challenging circumstances. Providing funding, project mentoring and support, Innovate is particularly aimed at individuals and grassroots organisations looking to launch or incubate a project idea and develop fundraising skills.
We encourage applicants to consult with young people, and work with local partners such as Music Education Hubs, youth and community services and other referral agencies to propose the strongest offer. Last year, Innovate supported music-making in a hospice and a Down’s Syndrome support group, Girls Rock London’s young leaders programme, and a youth centre music tech project.
Successful candidates work in close partnership with Sound Connections to develop and deliver the project. Every project and organisation’s needs are different, so the Innovate Programme can be used to find the most appropriate support for you.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 18 May. We encourage all applicants to book a phone surgery prior to applying.
To find out more and apply please click HERE to download the FAQS and application pack.