#CanDoMusic partners refresh campaign and call for music education champions
8th September 2021
As schools across the UK reopen for the new academic year this Autumn, the partners who created the #CanDoMusic campaign are calling on everyone to champion music as part of every child’s education.
The #CanDoMusic campaign began in August 2020 following the first COVID-19 national lockdown, with the aim of supporting teachers in ensuring music be a key part of the return to school. With a website signposting to practical resources and social media hashtag campaign, the goal of #CanDoMusic was to champion the message that with reasonable safety measures in place, it is not only possible to continue making music, but essential.
Although the campaign was initially set up in response to the pandemic, particularly helping music teachers to navigate the changing guidance and pivot to online learning, one year later, it continues to provide guidance, inspiration, and resources.
The partners who set up the campaign, the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), the Music Teachers’ Association (MTA) and the UK Association for Music Education – Music Mark, have discussed the next steps with this valuable campaign and worked together to review and refresh the website for post-pandemic recovery. They now invite everyone to engage in highlighting the importance of music education as a central part of the education of children and young people.
It is hoped that those working in the Music Education sector and beyond will continue to use the social media hashtag #CanDoMusic to highlight the creative and positive ways music is being delivered in schools. In addition, the website, which was primarily created to provide practical guidance for musical learning during the ongoing pandemic, has been refreshed to now focus on and celebrate inspirational music education stories. The site will continue to provide links to teaching resources and guidance for school staff within its Resources page.
Find out more and visit the website here – www.candomusic.org