Join our Climate Crisis Steering Group
23rd November 2023
Following the success of our Talk into Action and Get Playing campaigns, we are now focusing on the Climate Crisis for our 2024/25 campaign, This Is Not A Rehearsal. A topic that will affect all of us in our daily lives, including how we deliver high-quality music education. We feel it is more important than ever to make this campaign wide-reaching and impactful.
Given the all-encompassing and prescient nature of the topic, we want it to reflect the needs and concerns of our members. We are therefore inviting notes of interest from members to join a Steering Group that will help shape the direction of This Is Not A Rehearsal over the coming year. We would encourage organisations to offer this opportunity to those who might not have had the chance to be part of similar decision-making processes in the past, so please do share this widely and consider team members at all levels.
We realise that this may of interest to many of our members, and would ask anyone keen to join the group to complete the form here by Friday 15th December 2023. We will have a limit of 10 places on the Steering Group, and would foresee one meeting every two months before and during the campaign. Fees and expenses will be paid to freelancers and students.
If you are the key contact for your organisation, we would ask you to share this with your whole team, including your Sustainability Champion if you have one, so we can have as broad a range of experiences as possible, and hear from a variety of individuals.
Music Mark is still at the beginning of its own journey towards Net Zero. You can see our Statement on the Climate Crisis on our website here.