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Music Education Awards Shortlist Announced

7th December 2016

The shortlist for the Music Education Council Music Education Awards 2016 has been announced. It follows MEC’s announcement on 9 November of its first ever longlist for these awards.

Kathryn Deane, chair of the judging panel said: ‘Choosing just seven of our 13 longlisted submissions has been a wrench. Every one of those we had to let go has merit, and we look forward to receiving submissions from them in the future.

‘Our shortlist, therefore, contains the very best of entries. Great music making and learning we expect, but these entries also offered a sense of strategic purpose and a deep understanding of the modern role of music service agencies.’

The overall winner of the Music Education Council Music Education Awards 2016 will be presented at the Music Teacher Awards for Excellence ceremony as part of Music Education Expo 2017.

The shortlisted submissions are:

  • Birmingham Music Education Partnership
  • Bristol Plays Music
  • East Ayrshire
  • Hampshire  Music Hub
  • Portsmouth Music Hub
  • SoundCity Brighton & Hove
  • SoundStorm Bournemouth and Poole Music Education Hub

Click here to read more.

