Music Mark CEO Bridget Whyte joins DfE and DCMS Expert Advisory Panel ahead of publication of refreshed National Plan for Music Education
6th August 2021

Music Mark CEO Bridget Whyte
Music Mark is delighted to confirm its CEO Bridget Whyte has been asked to be part of the Government’s expert advisory panel as it continues work on the refreshed National Plan for Music Education for England (NPME). The refreshed NPME is set to be jointly published in early 2022 by the Department for Education (DfE) and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), following an open Call for Evidence from the DfE in 2020, to consult the views of music educators and parents, children, and young people. A report containing the findings from this call for evidence on music education has been published today and is available to read here. Comprising of key representatives across the music education and music industry sectors, the advisory panel will importantly guide the aims and content of the refreshed plan to ensure it meets the needs of young people participating in music education.
The first National Plan for Music Education was published in 2011 and set out a ‘flexible template for high quality music provision throughout a pupil’s education’ in England. When it was first announced in 2018 that a refresh would take place, we began consulting our membership about the future of the NPME through a series of regional and national meetings. Whilst understanding the scope for nuance across the broad and varied music education sector, many Music Mark members agreed the importance of establishing a unified and aligned message. In early 2020 Music Mark also convened a meeting of national stakeholders to agree the key areas that are important for the future of music education. Read the report here.
On 9th February 2020, the DfE announced an official call for evidence seeking views on music education in England to shape the next iteration of the National Plan for Music Education. Optimistic about the positive impact a meaningful period of consultation could have on the development of the next NPME, at Music Mark we produced guidance for those completing the DfE’s consultation and encouraged our members to share their views. Read our response to the Call for Evidence.
Following this period of consultation, we are now delighted that CEO Bridget Whyte has been invited to be part of the advisory panel ahead of the refreshed NPME’s publication in 2022. With Music Mark representing both the Hub lead organisations and many of their partners across the sector, it will be their voices that Bridget Whyte will communicate in the meetings with the DfE and the DCMS.
Sitting alongside Bridget Whyte, many other panel members represent organisations within the Music Mark network, including classroom teachers, music education hub leaders, multi-academy trusts and music sector organisations.