Updates from the UK's music education sector
Post grad Qualification for experienced Music Educators
The Teaching Musician is a postgraduate qualification for experienced music educators and leaders offered by Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance….
Pupils learn musical instruments online in rural North Yorkshire schools
“Children living in rural areas currently miss out when it comes to music education. The use of digital technology could put an…
Jeremy Corbyn’s take on arts education
An article published on BBC news: 24 things that Jeremy Corbyn believes, shows Corbyn’s belief in music education. 21. Every child should…
Sarah Connolly speech at Westminster: Why we need the arts
Sarah Connolly, the wonderful British mezzo-soprano, was the principal speaker yesterday afternoon at a special Arts Council England event in Westminster, addressing…
How welcoming is your choir?
Chris Rowbury has written a great article about combating the formation of cliques in adult choirs, which can be found by clicking…
Seven ways that modern conservatoires can prepare students for classical music professions
Are modern conservatoires adequately preparing students for careers in the modern music industry? David Bahanovich is Assistant Director of Music at Trinity Laban…
Gemma Martino – Music SLE
This is the second in a series of posts introducing our readers to Music SLEs (Specialist Leaders of Education). Today, we’re speaking…
Stella Knight – Music SLE
Specialist Leaders of Education are a relatively new initiative launched to provide teachers with support from experienced colleagues. Music Mark is running…
Lucy Powell: 10 facts about the new shadow education secretary
Lucy Powell has been confirmed as the new shadow education secretary. Here’s what we know so far: Powell was born in Manchester….