Updates from the UK's music education sector
Sir Michael Wilshaw to unveil new inspection regime
Ofsted’s new inspection regime is expected to be laid out by chief inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw in a major speech tomorrow. It…
Arts Impact Fund: a radical new way of getting extra funding for the arts
Peter Bazalgette, chairman of Arts Council England, explains how extra funding could come from universities, social services and the NHS Arts Council…
UK musical instrument market valued at £382.6m
A report by market research firm IBISWorld Ltd has valued the UK MI retail industry at £382.6m, with compound annual growth of…
This Is What’s Happening In the Brains of People Who “See” Music
To Pharrell Williams, the verses of his years-long hit “Happy” have always been yellow and red. Or reddish. “[W]ell … it’s not red,…
Ofsted must focus on how ‘well rounded’ pupils are and not just exam results, says CBI chief
Inspections should concentrate on whether schools are producing “well rounded young people” rather than just exam results, the head of Britain’s business…
One month to go ’til the launch of the 2015 Our Big Gig!
It’s 1 month to go until Our Big Gig the largest annual community music event which will take place in towns and…
Orchestras Live to pilot ‘relaxed’ concerts
Orchestras Live is taking a cue from the theatre sector and piloting ‘relaxed’ concerts for children with disabilities and their families, including…
Ten Pieces II – Book free cinema tickets
Screenings of Ten Pieces II for secondary age pupils will be shown around the UK during the week of 5th October. Visit…
Verdi, Beethoven and Puccini could help beat heart disease
Doctors could prescribe music to beat heart disease, after research found recordings by Verdi, Beethoven and Puccini can lower the blood pressure….