Updates from the UK's music education sector
Music Mark’s Highlights – 10 Years In
As we celebrate our 10th birthday, we wanted to share some of Music Mark’s highlights and successes from the past 10 years….
Teachers’ Pension Scheme: An update for employers
An update on the Teachers Pension Scheme for employers with teachers in the scheme. On 11th March, the Department for Education confirmed…
Teachers’ Pension Scheme: Further Correspondence with the Schools Minister
In our recent correspondence with the Schools Minister, we’re pleased to hear that Local Authorities who employ teachers centrally will receive support…
‘Future Music Makers’ – Bringing Rap and Beatboxing into Schools
FUTURE MUSIC MAKERS was a ‘Test and Learn’ project for BACE (Bedford Arts and Cultural Education) taking place during Spring 2023. The…
Advanced British Standard: Share your views
The Department for Education consultation on the proposed reforms to post-16 education is open and will close on 20th March 2024. Your…
Bridget’s Blog: Ensuring the Future of Music Education
As I recently flicked through the latest doormat flyer from one of the political parties who wants my vote I noted that…
Response from the Schools Minister: Funding Confirmation
In continuation of our previous correspondence with the Schools Minister, we have received a response to our most recent letter sent on…
Research Roundups: Music at the centre of the curriculum
Over the next few months, I’ll be pulling together music education research in exploring the relationships between music and broader curriculum delivery….
Ensuring the Future of Music Education
We have announced the development of six calls to action which will be presented to all political parties ahead of the UK…