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Revamping your Music Services’ Website: Haug-IT

9th October 2024

A screenshot of the Croydon Music & Arts website, showing an image of young people in the centre,w with text about their services and navigation buttons across the top.

Haug-IT is a well-established IT company specialising in web development and digital transformation. They recently collaborated with Croydon Music and Arts (CMA) to re-launch their website, making it more attractive and user-friendly. They told us more about how their partnership worked, and how CMA’s new website has benefited the organisation. 


In today’s digital landscape, a user-friendly and informative website is crucial for an organisation’s success. Croydon Music and Arts (CMA) recognised the need to modernise their online presence. To address this, CMA partnered with us, Haug-IT. The collaboration aimed to relaunch CMA’s website, creating a platform that was visually appealing, functional, and capable of meeting modern demands from users and staff alike. 


Background on Croydon Music and Arts 

Croydon Music and Arts is a public organisation in London that promotes music and arts education for young people. They offer a variety of programmes designed to engage children and young people in creative and cultural activities, making them a key player in fostering artistic talents within the community. Over time, CMA has built a strong reputation, but it became evident that their existing website could no longer match their ambitions and growing demand for online services. 

Their old website was outdated, difficult to navigate, and had limited functionality in relation to the broader range of services and interactions that CMA now wanted to offer its users. The need for a new website that could serve as an effective communication channel with the public became a top priority. 


Choosing Haug-IT as a Partner 

To ensure that their new website would meet their high standards, CMA chose to partner with us. Here at Haug-IT, we’re known for our expertise in web design and development, and our experience working with cultural and educational institutions made us the perfect choice. We have extensive experience in creating digital solutions and are particularly skilled in building customised websites that are both technically robust and user-friendly. 


The Collaboration Process 

Our work with CMA began with an in-depth analysis of their website and a discussion of the organisation’s goals and expectations for the new platform. It was essential to understand their core values, the needs of their users, and the specific challenges CMA faced. Several workshops were held with CMA’s team to ensure that all aspects of the new website were designed to meet the organisation’s objectives and the users’ expectations. 


Design and Functionality 

One of the main priorities in the redesign process was ensuring that the new website could attract and engage a wider audience. We focused on creating a modern, intuitive design that reflected CMA’s identity as a creative and dynamic organisation. They opted for a minimalist yet visually appealing user interface with a simple navigation structure, enabling parents, young people, and partners to quickly find the information they needed. 

In addition, several new features were implemented, including an interactive calendar that allows users to easily stay updated on upcoming events, workshops, and educational offerings. The website also featured enhanced search functions and integration with social media, providing CMA with better ways to connect with its digital audience. 

Another key feature developed was a new online registration platform. CMA offers a broad range of music education and arts programs, so we designed a system that made it easier for parents and students to register online. This has streamlined administrative processes, allowing CMA staff to spend less time on paperwork and more time delivering their core services. 


Technology and Accessibility 

To ensure the new website was future-proof, we implemented the latest technology in web development. We used a responsive web design strategy, enabling the website to automatically adapt to different screen sizes, including mobile phones and tablets—a critical feature in today’s mobile-driven world. 

Accessibility was another key factor. We ensured the website complied with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards, making it easy to use for individuals with visual, auditory, or other challenges. This aligned with CMA’s goal of being an inclusive organisation, aiming to reach all children and young people, regardless of their background or physical abilities. 


The Outcome of the Collaboration 

The launch of the new website has marked a new era for Croydon Music and Arts. Not only has it improved their communication with the local community, but it has also allowed them to streamline their workflows. The website now serves as a central platform for everything from programme registration to news communication and artistic collaborations. 

Our collaboration with Croydon Music and Arts has been a testament to how technological innovation and cultural growth can go hand in hand. By delivering a tailored solution, we have helped CMA continue its mission of bringing music and arts to young people, while doing so more efficiently and with greater digital accessibility. 

Is your website ready for an update? Find out more on our website or get in touch to discuss how we can help your organisation with a modern and effective website. 
