Review our MarketPlace and win resources for your school!
24th October 2018
Calling all Music Mark School Members!
As well as a membership organisation and charity, we are also your subject association for music and our online MarketPlace offers a comprehensive range of resources to support music teachers. We include both free-to-access and purchasable resources.
But is it helpful? We want to hear from you! Write a review and you could be in for a chance to win some free resources for your school!
How to take part:
Review your top 5 MarketPlace items and you could win some free resources for your school! Reviews will be shared on our website and social media. Prizes will go on a first come, first served basis. Send your review to by November 10th.
Teach Primary?
We have 5 copies of either Sing Sensational or Sing Celebration,the Books, Audio CDs and Words on Screen™ CD ROMs from Out of the Ark.
Send us a review of your top 5 MarketPlace resources for a chance to grab your copy!

We have 3 instruments from Normans Music: choose either a Mandolin, a Cajon or a Guitar.
Send us a review of your top 5 MarketPlace resources for a chance to win your instrument!
Good luck!