RSL Awards Partner with iRock
25th July 2022

RSL Awards, global provider of qualifications in the creative and performing arts, today announced their partnership with iRock School of Music, which will see RSL assessing and quality assuring in-school band tuition from September 2022.
iRock School of Music works closely with primary schools providing children the opportunity to be in their very own rock and pop band. Under the guidance of an iRock music teacher, children rehearse weekly in the lead up to end of term concerts. Lessons not only increase children’s interest in music; they can also help develop invaluable life skills such as boosting confidence, wellbeing, and supporting their overall academic success.
The partnership with RSL Awards will see iRock’s students being able to achieve a qualification for learning and performing music in a band, gaining formal recognition for the progress they make both individually and as a band. These qualifications give a progression route from the very first steps on the student’s musical journey to the creation of performers with the skills, knowledge and confidence to be able to perform live as a band and to an audience. These are flexible assessments, available for groups of any size. Assessment is carried out entirely by tutor observation of lessons, rehearsals and performances.
RSL Awards Head of Sales and Partnerships, Dan Francis said, “iRock School of Music’s mission to place high quality engagement and progression opportunities at the heart of what they do aligns beautifully with the principles underpinning the qualifications we offer at RSL Awards. This partnership provides a great way for children and young people to learn how to work and perform together whilst gaining formal recognition for the progress they make both individually and as a band.”
RSL Awards Business Development Executive, David Jones said, “We are thrilled to announce our partnership with iRock School of Music. Together, we can highlight the importance of in-school music education and ultimately inspire more young people to learn, perform and enjoy music. iRock’s weekly in-school sessions are delivered in a fun and engaging way by band coaches who give children the opportunity to discover their interest in music, and learn the key skills required to perform as a band.’
iRock Managing Director, Josh Franklin said, “Here at iRock we are extremely excited by our new partnership with RSL. We pride ourselves on offering primary school children accessible and inclusive music lessons through our rock and pop band lessons. Our new found partnership with RSL now means we can offer children an exam free music qualification and celebrate and reward their achievements in a completely unique and innovative way.”
To learn more about iRock you can visit the company website at
To learn more about RSL Awards and our full product offering you can visit the company website at
(Photo From left: Dan Francis (Head of Sales and Partnerships, RSL Awards), Josh Franklin (Director, iRock), John Franklin (Director, iRock), David Jones (Business Development Manager, RSL Awards))