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RSL launch video examinations

31st March 2020

RSL have launched video examinations and sent us the following statement with further information:

Here at RSL Awards, we are highly conscious of the impact that Covid-19 is having on musicians, teachers, students and business. We want to do everything we can to help maintain consistent provisions so that everyone can stay engaged, active and working towards an achievable end goal. 

We are really excited to announce that RSL Awards are now able to offer video exams so that music students studying the Rockschool syllabus can take an exam this side of the summer holidays, regardless of current social distancing measures.

Video exams allows students to have the flexibility to take their exam from a place of their convenience, entailing less travel, no waiting time, and contributing to a more environmentally friendly world. We don’t want any extenuating circumstances to stop people from achieving their goals to develop as a musician, whether that’s the COVID-19 pandemic, underlying stress or anxiety issues or location based travel barriers.

Candidates have the option of two types of recorded exam:

  • Performance Certificate (Debut – Grade 8): Candidates must record and upload five performance pieces (up to three can be free choice pieces)
  • Graded Certificate (Debut – Grade 5): Candidates must record and upload three performance pieces (up to two free choice pieces) and ALL of the technical exercises from Groups A – D in the Rockschool Gradebook

Both of these can be taken at a time and place that suits the candidate simply by submitting a continuous, unedited video recording of all the appropriate prepared elements in a similar way to a standard face-to-face exam. The same exam criteria will be applied but candidates will not be assessed on the Unseen Tests. 

Our examiners will then be able to view the candidate’s exam and provide an accurate assessment of their achievements, providing feedback and their final mark using our standard RSL processes.

Please visit our dedicated Video Exam online resource for more information about the intricacies of each exam available, how to submit a video exam, video framing and audio capture guidance, and further supporting videos to help record an exam in the highest quality possible.
