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Raising awareness around the importance of music education

Sistema Scotland’s Big Noise orchestras has positive effect on local community

The initial findings of a long-term study show that Sistema Scotland’s Big Noise orchestras are having a positive effect on the local…

20th May 2015

Creative Education Agenda – making the case for STEAM

The Creative Industries Federation have produced a Creative Education Agenda, looking at how and why the next government should support cultural and…

14th May 2015

Call to boost status of arts subjects

Arts subjects should be given more status in England’s school curriculum, science and engineering experts argue. The Creative Industries Federation and the…

13th May 2015

Nicky Morgan, please give us the money to teach British kids classical music – James Rhodes

Nicola Benedetti, über-violinist and passionate advocate of music education, has said children should be exposed to classical music whether they like it or…

13th May 2015

Scots violinist wants kids to swap Mario for Mozart

Nicola Benedetti has taken a swipe at parents who allow their children to play video games rather than demand that they listen…

11th May 2015

Arts Council England responds to the UK election results

Darren Henley, Chief Executive of Arts Council England said; “We’re confident that in the coming weeks we’ll be working with a team…

8th May 2015

Don’t stifle creativity with more cuts to arts education, say experts

The creative industries is the fastest growing sector of the UK economy, but a new Tory government should recognise that high fees…

8th May 2015

Star tenor Alfie Boe calls for increase in funds for music education

Alfie Boe, the romantic tenor who led celebrations outside Buckingham Palace at the Queen’s diamond jubilee concert, has threatened to storm parliament…

7th May 2015

Extra music training improves students’ visual and auditory memory

Researchers from the Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen, Germany studied the influence of two years’ of school music training on visual and auditory memory…

5th May 2015

The UK creative sector leads the world in talent – now it needs a strategy

The UK’s creative industries have never been stronger. British developers are behind some of the world’s bestselling video games, UK architectural companies…

30th Apr 2015

Ed Miliband talks exclusively to Classic FM: ‘I think we undervalue artistic subjects’

The leader of the Labour Party, Ed Miliband, has spoken to Classic FM’s Nick Ferrari about the importance of music education and…

29th Apr 2015

‘Schools must focus on the arts for top rating’: Harman

SCHOOLS will be penalised in their Ofsted rating if they do not give students an outstanding “artistic and cultural” education, the deputy…

29th Apr 2015
