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Raising awareness around the importance of music education

‘Please stop telling us that the arts subjects are worth less than others’ – The Opinion of a Teacher

Last night was GCSE options evening. That time of year when you get to stand at a stall and sell your subject,…

4th Mar 2016

Stem subject snobbery: a student’s view on why arts subjects matter

This 16-year-old says taking GCSE dance was the best decision she ever made – why is everyone so negative about it? “Y’know,…

1st Feb 2016

Chancellor endorses art for art’s sake

Public funding for the creative industries is about more than simply an economic calculation, it’s “an investment in who we are as a…

18th Jan 2016

Study shows that arts participation benefits young children with autism

A review of 18 peer-reviewed studies about arts participation, published between 2000 and 2015, adds to the growing evidence about how arts participation…

4th Jan 2016

‘The arts give students the ability to cope with uncertainty’ – Peter Green, Headmaster

Despite the protestations of Nicky Morgan and Nick Gibb that the place of the arts in British education is safe (with well-researched…

1st Dec 2015

How music helps your child’s brain grow

Kinderling Radio in Australia spoke to Anita Collins, Professor in Neuroscience and Child Education at the University of Canberra, recently, about how…

20th Nov 2015

‘We ignore the arts at our peril’ – Alun Jones on the provision of arts in state schools

A leading independent school headteacher is set to criticise provision of the arts in state schools, claiming they have been “all but squeezed out”…

20th Nov 2015

The Benefits of the Ukulele on Kids’ Attitudes

Are you afraid you’re raising a little delinquent? Is your eight- or nine-year-old lacking in sympathy for others, and unwilling to provide…

17th Nov 2015

Is music good for your child’s future?

We all know, instinctively, that music is good for us, and for our children. Who can deny the affect that music has…

17th Nov 2015

Nick Gibb: ‘Expose youngsters to classical music’

As a keen listener to Desert Island Discs, I am always impressed by the accuracy with which interviewees can pinpoint the moment…

9th Nov 2015

Research on link between music education and academic achievement

Researchers from the University of Kansas have confirmed what decades of anecdotal evidence and the evidence on this site and elsewhere suggests:…

9th Nov 2015

Darren Henley: ‘Any cut in funding worries me’

“I thought you might ask that!” Arts Council England’s chief executive is waving a piece of paper at me, sheepish yet triumphant….

9th Nov 2015
