Sector News
The National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain is looking for talented instrumentalists and composers
Are you aged 13–18? Playing at Grade 8 distinction level or equivalent, and totally committed to music? The world’s greatest orchestra of…
June is the Month for Music
Thursday 15th June 2017 Assemble for BBC Music Day BBC Ten Pieces will be celebrating BBC Music Day, the BBC’s UK-wide celebration…
Major new commission launched on creativity and education
Durham University and Arts Council England have announced The Durham Commission on Creativity and Education. Launching in September 2017, the Commission will…
Sally Cavender awarded the RPS Leslie Boosey Award
Sally Cavender, Director of Performance Music at Faber Music, a passionate champion for contemporary music who has overseen more than 950 commissions…
Young musicians invited to compose original music inspired by Shakespeare
Shakespeare Week 2017 20-26 March 2017 / @ShakespeareWeek Primary schools across the country are invited to compose an original…
Youth Music’s ‘Give a Gig Week’ takes off with 100 fundraising gigs set for 24th – 31st March
“Give a Gig is a really good idea because it allows singers, musicians and venues to do what they’re already doing for…
Justine Greening: teacher development key to school improvement
The Education Secretary addresses ASCL about her ambitions for the teaching profession and how to support teachers in a school-led system. ” Thank…
Amanda Spielman (Ofsted): A force for improvement
Ofsted’s Chief Inspector, Amanda Spielman, spoke to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) A force for improvement “I want to…
Live Music Now Auditions
NORTH WEST, NORTH EAST & WEST MIDLANDS 3RD & 4TH JULY 2017, MANCHESTER Live Music Now was founded in 1977 by…
Music ‘could face extinction’ in secondary schools
The BBC report “music “could face extinction” as a subject in secondary schools in England, researchers have warned. They say music is…
Opportunity for young instruments to go on tour with the Opera North Youth Company
In June/July 2017, the Opera North Youth Company will be working on a one act opera by Steven Deazley, entitled Dr Ferret’s…
Music education in rural areas in jeopardy….BUT decent broadband is the answer
Virtual music tuition can fill the gap for remote schools but relies on superfast broadband New report supports findings of “The…