Trinity Laban Conservatoire host Will Michael Jazz Education Awards
30th November 2017

Trinity Laban Conservatoire hosted this year’s Will Michael Jazz Education Awards on the 22nd of November. Retiring Awards Panel chair, Ivor Widdison paid tribute to outstanding commitments to jazz education demonstrated by music education hubs and music services, all of whom were awarded diplomas.
The winners are Bromley, Cumbria, Devon, Doncaster, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire and Sheffield. Exceptionally, an individual award was made to Dan Mar-Molinero for his work in the Southern region. The achievements of Camden and Kingston upon Thames were also formally commended.
The occasion was made doubly special by a scintillating performance by the Trinity Laban Contemporary Jazz Ensemble under Mark Lockheart of compositions by UK composers.
The Awards, which are supported by the Musicians’ Company, matter because they are the only means of according national recognition to those Hubs, Music Services and Education Authorities which demonstrate an outstanding commitment to jazz education. They also acknowledge the work of those field practitioners who are actually delivering jazz education and in many cases helping to combat the widespread jazz phobia among classroom music teachers and instrumental tutors.
The Awards Panel comprises Andrea Vicari, Dr Catherine Tackley, Bill Martin, Richard Michael and Ivor Widdison. For further information contact