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ABC Creative Music Musicality Resource for Early Years

Added to website 20/10/2016. Updated 16/04/2024.

This new multi-platform Musicality resource for 3-6 year-olds was launched in February 2014 to a great reception, and is now being used in hundred’s of nursery classes across Scotland.

ABC Creative Music Musicality Resource for Early Years

This new multi-platform Musicality resource for 3-6 year-olds was launched in February 2014 to a great reception, and is now being used in hundred’s of nursery classes across Scotland.

It is unique in combining:

  • Child-friendly activities on interactive whiteboards and iPads
  • A ring-binder with simple laminated instructions for group activities
  • Clear strategies for working in Freeplay settings
  • Topic-themed resource banks- to provide the flexibility to follow children’s changing interests with all the required teaching aids, puppets and sound files (on Audio CDs, Website, and iPads) in a handy jute bag.

The resource links with a set of high quality percussion instruments in small jute bags – one for each child and an adult.

A Flexible Resource for Child-led Learning
The flexible resource is designed to be in tune with a child-centred approach to Early Years education, engaging all areas of child development including literacy and numeracy, and is useable by all staff whether or not they are confident in teaching music.

About the Provider

ABC Creative Music

Over the past 20+ years, ABC Creative Music has developed innovative cost-effective Nursery, Primary & ASN/SEN music programmes, delivered on interactive whiteboards and/or resource packs- with highly successful training programmes for non-specialist teachers.
