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Children and families from Afghanistan and music: what do we need to know?

Added to website 18/01/2022. Updated 22/05/2023.

Read this information sheet from Wiltshire Music Connect to gain a deeper understanding about making music with children from Afghanistan.

This information sheet from Wiltshire Music Connect contains valuable advice regarding making music with children from Afghanistan. This information will be useful for music hubs and services, music tutors, and schools and includes points on cultural awareness, links to further resources and training and the results of a poll of 60 newly arrived families from Afghanistan.

Top Tip 1: Speak with families first before making music with children and designing programmes.

Top Tip 2: Go slowly, get professional advice and family input before embarking on new programmes to engage refugee children.

This information sheet was compiled by Dr Cayenna Ponchione-Bailey (St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford and Leverhulme Research Fellow in Music, University of Sheffield) following a session for music
education hubs hosted by Wiltshire Music Connect in Autumn 2021.

About the Provider

Wiltshire Music Connect

Wiltshire Music Connect has a strategic remit to oversee Children & Young People’s Music Education in the unitary authority of Wiltshire in Southwest England. It also leads the music education hub for Wiltshire.
