Home Learning Resources
Added to website 24/03/2020. Updated 22/05/2023.
A selection of home learning resources

Below our partner organisations have provided a selection of home learning resources. We have sections specifically EYFS and Primary Teachers and Pupils, Secondary Teachers and Pupils, Parents and general Music Education Resources below.
For even more practical resources for music educators, teachers and parents, please visit the #CanDoMusic website.
You can find all of our regularly updated guidance for Schools and Music Education providers on our Music Unlocked page, with specific guidance supplements for England and the devolved nations.
You can read our page specifically about online learning and safeguarding here. We also have advice on speaking to young people about the Coronavirus, written by a psychologist, available here.
For EYFS – Primary Teachers and Pupils:
BBC Teach Bring the Noise
Click here for a range of free, fun and simple online music resources that can be used flexibly at home or in the classroom. The website offers interactive and inclusive activities for EYFS, KS1 and SEND pupils. Resources include, ‘Thunder Jam’ an animation series that can tie into themes of Spring, weather and Vivaldi; new songs in a variety of styles such as ‘Music Time’ and ‘Golden’ with lyric sheets; and the BBC Philharmonic. Children can get started quickly and easily with Play It!, an online interactive music tool to help them learn about the different elements that make up a song. Ten Pieces at Home has various useful resources available here. Over the coming weeks, children are invited to take part in the ‘I am a Robot’ sing, sign and dance challenge, where adults can send in videos of their child’s robot performance for the chance for it to be included in a new BBC Teach Bring the Noise music video.
Sing Up
Sing Up at Home has themed playlists of songs to fit every mood – including songs to calm and relax you, songs to get you moving, and empowering songs to lift you up. There are also songs and activities for learning about topics and every week, a new Song of the week will feature an engaging teaching video and audio tracks, lyrics, musical score and various activities that go along with it. For those running virtual choirs, we have compiled a range of warm-ups, unison songs, and songs in parts, complete with performance, backing, and rehearsal tracks.
Friday Afternoons
Friday Afternoons is a free resource which connects teachers and young people with contemporary composers, through high-quality songs. The Song Bank contains scores, lyrics sheets and backing tracks for over 70 contemporary classical songs, plus associated resources aimed at supporting teachers to deliver singing sessions, including Charanga resources, worksheets, and videos designed for young people and teachers. Visit the website and browse the free resources available.
Out of the Ark Music
Out of the Ark Music are sharing free songs and resources to help teachers and parents build a daily singing routine. Each week they are providing at least 7 songs with activities/challenges to keep everyone singing and learning. Songs are provided with full Words on Screen™ videos together with some activities to go with each song. Relevant for the summer term, they have also created some videos and guidelines on how to put on a mini-musical online. PLUS There is currently a 25% discount on all songbooks until the end of May 2020(Ts & Cs apply) .
Song Source: Portsmouth Music Hub
Over 200 original songs for children aged 4-12 available FREE online, with backing tracks, performance tracks, lyric videos, lyric sheets and scores. Engaging songs encompass themes from history to science and environmental education to storytelling and much more! The subscription fee has been waived: Access resource.
Charanga is a dedicated teaching and learning platform for music, enabling users to manage and share personalised projects, lessons and software that young people can access anywhere. The platform includes a new Scheme builder feature; YuStudio, a full-featured online music studio; and creative apps to deepen students’ musical knowledge and understanding in and between lessons. The resources complement all available, shareable content in Charanga’s award-winning Musical School and Music Professional programmes. For complimentary, 30-day access to the Charanga platform, click here. There’s no obligation to subscribe afterwards.
Music Express
Collins Music are offering a free 30 day trial to Music Express while schools are closed to support teachers, parents and pupils. Music Express is a digital resource for teaching primary music that’s easy to use and accessible to non-musicians as well as music specialists. Set engaging music lessons from home with a wealth of songs, games and activities with simple, step-by-step instructions. To set up a free trial for your school, or if you are an independent music educator, visit their teacher support page.
In response to current needs, Soundtrap for Education (creative sound recording software) is being offered for free, on an extended trial basis, for any school that signs up to try it with students this semester. Free access will apply to all schools that register for a trial account, including those that are not currently closed or directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Our team will work with educators to ensure access to our studio continues through the end of their semester. More info available here.
Hal Leonard
Every week through the lockdown Hal Leonard provided free outstanding, fun and rewarding music lessons for Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 that can be taught at home with no musical knowledge required. These can be found here. To help teachers and parents review the best instrument and theory material, Hal Leonard provided free sample packs as an overview of what’s on offer.
Ocarina Workshop
Watch six videos for first ocarina lessons: playing tips, tunes and lots of play-along fun here.
During the crisis, Ocarina Workshop will give a free ‘Play Your Ocarina – Book 1’ with every Ocarina purchased through our website, one per ocarina (this includes, class packs, ocarina sets and single ocarinas), available here. Free downloadable resources to support BBC Ten Pieces are here and the new ‘Adventurous Music-Making’ publications can be accessed from this page – all six titles are now complete, with pupil books, teacher books and audio CDs.
Leicestershire Schools Music Service
Head to the LSMS website for a large range of completely FREE music technology applications, programs and lesson plans: Free fully planned lessons with lesson slides and tutorial videos that lead the learning for Primary. Available here. Free browser based (PC computers / laptops) Music Technology applications for KS1 Free browser based (PC computers / laptops) Music Technology applications for KS2
Birmingham Contemporary Music Group
BCMG is offering Arts Awards Discover (KS1) and Arts Award Explore (KS2) online. The activities and guidance will allow children to complete their arts awards remotely, either by themselves or with the support of people in their home.
Team Tutti
Team Tutti is a self-guided learning experience using animated characters to deliver fun and engaging lesson content whilst promoting a deep dive into composition and technology. A series of weekly modules deliver a combination of musical concepts, creative challenges to encourage the implementation of new skills and an interactive quiz to assess learning. More info.
For Secondary Teachers and Pupils:
BBC Bitesize – KS3 Music
Loads of practical steps for music-making and inspiring examples from famous musicians and artists. These guides are designed to enable 11-14-year-old students to work through at their own pace, whatever their level, to develop their practical skills and get inspired about the potential of a career in music. The resources cover composition, performance, improvisation and evaluation skills and are ideal for short or long-term projects in the classroom or as homework. Topics include How to write a song, How to rap and Percussion. We’ve also teamed up with Ten Pieces to create five companion guides with detailed steps on making jazz music, minimalism, a Doctor Who theme, film composition and fusion music. More info on BBC Music Education offer, available here.
For Music Teachers ABRSM runs the course: Becoming a Better Music Teacher provides ideas on how to improve your teaching strategies and skills. On this course, you will learn to assess your current teaching and look at new ways to engage your students during their lesson. More info available here.
To celebrate the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth, Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts Trust are delighted to announce the launch of a new resource authored by Deputy Head and Head of Curriculum Music, Chris Hiscock. Called “Beethoven 9” it consists of 9 active listening strategies for secondary aged pupils, all based on the music of Ludwig Van Beethoven. Of particular interest at this difficult time is the fact that a number of the resources have been adapted for “home learning” purposes and can be accessed by pupils working remotely. More info here.
MusicFirst are offering free temporary licenses of some of their software including Soundtrap and Noteflight , as well as low cost upgrades/extensions to the renowned product Focus on Sound (used in around 800 secondary schools). Check out their website.
MyMusic PB
MyMusicPB is an interactive online practice book for instrumental and vocal lessons. They are now integrating video platforms for your safe, secure and effective remote lessons delivery. More info and resources are available on their website.
Warwick Music
Warwick Music Group are offering free video lessons until the end of June to use and share. More info here.
In response to current needs, Soundtrap for Education (creative sound recording software) is being offered for free, on an extended trial basis, for any school that signs up to try it with students this semester. Free access will apply to all schools that register for a trial account, including those that are not currently closed or directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Our team will work with educators to ensure access to our studio continues through the end of their semester. More info available here.
National Orchestras for All
Teachers! Have you found yourselves with more time on your hands? Delve into Orchestra for All’s online training programme to develop the tools, strategies and practical conducting techniques to set up a new instrumental ensemble or develop existing ones. The first module of the course is completely free – just visit the website.
Charanga VIP Studio Sessions enables secondary teachers and music leaders to provide young people with online access to an award-winning range of music creation tutorials and a new-look online studio. KS3/GCSE/BTEC teachers and students are currently using VIP to record performances at home, finish coursework and to make music. The programme’s online learning space for young people aged 12–18 enables teachers to deliver their music lesson content remotely. For complimentary access to VIP Studio Sessions, click here. To find out more or to obtain a quote or a licence, contact Addie Kaiser at addisonkaiser@charanga.com or by telephoning 01273 823900.
National Youth Jazz Collective
Join the National Youth Jazz Collective as it launches its new live-streamed lessons programme for small group improvisation and composition (beginner, intermediate and advanced) led by members of its award-winning faculty of 75 leading teaching artists. Join @nationalyouthjazzcollective from 8th April on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram to access daily links to its new online programme Don’t forget to use #nationalyouthjazz
Open University
Open University resources for Secondary Schools: Introduction to music theory, Discovering the blues and Understanding musical scores.
Leicestershire Schools Music Service
Free fully planned lessons with lesson slides and tutorial videos that lead the learning for Secondary are available here. Additional LSMS resources include: Free browser based (PC computers / laptops) Music Technology applications for KS3 Free browser based (PC computers / laptops) Music Technology applications for KS4 Free iOS (iPad / iPhone) Music Technology applications
For Parents:
ABRSM has various resources available on their website for teachers, parents and music students. More information on supporting a child learning an instrument is available here. Watch the First Lady of West End musicals, Kerry Ellis speaking to workshop participants about the importance of looking after your voice here. ABRSM Examiner and Violinist Jessica O’Leary gives her Tchaikovsky teaching tips here.
Sound and Music
Sound and Music is supporting parents and teachers by making Minute of Listening content available free of charge during the coronavirus emergency. You can now explore exciting collections of minutes and teaching resources. Using a minute every day, you can give children at home regular listening and appraisal activities, learn through discovery and establish a sense of routine. We hope this will allow as many children as possible to get a minute of creative listening every day and escape the confines of isolation through sound. To access this content, simply create a free trial account if you don’t already have one, and then start listening!
Faber Music
As schools close across the country and music teachers, parents & students look for ways to help music education continue at home, Faber Music have pulled together some of their most helpful books and resources to help make the transition a bit easier. Take a look.
Also from Faber: Free downloads for piano teachers
Faber have created a collection of free resources that are fun, quick and easy to use, from some of their most popular books. Normally only available to buy as part of a book, you can now download and print these pages for free as many times as you need. There’s a mixture of repertoire, exercises, teaching advice and more, to help you and your students continue music at home! To download your free samples from these books, simply click on the product and you’ll see a ‘Free Sample Chapter’ to download on the blue section of the page. More info here.
Music Room’s Family Zone
Focus on first access to music for very young children, plus instruments and resources for adults to learn with their children. Books and instruments to purchase available here.
More Music Education Resources:
Voices Foundation Virtual Singing Assembly
A LIVE daily 10-15 minute sing for children, parents and teachers! Join Voices Foundation every weekday at 1:00 PM (BST) from wherever you are for some fun, uplifting singing led by their VF practitioners. Music brings us all together, so please share #VFVirtualSing with friends and family and let’s get everybody singing! Subscribe to their YouTube channel to ensure you don’t miss out on this daily content.
Stars & Catz
Music teachers can enjoy full use of all the Stars & Catz tools and resources, entirely free. All resources are mobile-friendly and easy to use for beginners while offering scope that also caters to intermediate and advanced musicians, so they’re perfect to share with students for online learning. More info.
The Benedetti Foundation
The Benedetti Foundation has announced Nicola Benedetti is to host three sessions a week ‘Live at Five’ on her channels every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. More information available here.
Remote Instrumental Teaching Group
There is a new Facebook community group specifically for the remote instrumental teaching community. More information here.
Inclusive Music: BandLab Songwriting CourseBandLab is award-winning free and safe online music-making software suitable for Key Stages 2-4. Including over 100 different styles of music, Inclusive Music has now produced the ultimate Teacher & Student Course – “BandLab For Schools” (Covid-19 Free Edition) to get all children started on a structured songwriting journey using simple step by step video tutorials. More info here.
National Youth Folk Ensemble
Youth Folk Sampler Days and National Youth Folk Ensemble auditions are moving online in May half-term, more information available here. They also have a bank of resources available for teachers to use which you can access here.
Beat Goes On
Beat Goes On are running online Body Beats body percussion sessions streaming live daily. Join in here.
Stave House
Stave House has a free music activity pack available for download. More information here.
The Great British Home Chorus
Gareth Malone’s sensational online choir – over 80,000 people have already signed up. Hal Leonard Europe is proud to supply free sheet music for use by the chorus. Full details can be found here.
Royal Opera House
Royal Opera House is offering creative home learning available on their website.
English Folk Dance & Song Society
Explore free, downloadable materials for using English traditional folk song, music, dance, drama and other arts in your teaching and learning. Info on resources for all age groups available here.
RSL Awards Resources
Practise with Purpose: Free practice diary – vary your routine to stay positive and motivated. Available here. Online Learning During COVID-19: Rockschool Professional Diplomas – Earn an undergraduate level qualification in just 40 guided learning hours. More info here. To support students and teachers, RSL are offering up to a 25% discount* on purchases of Replay. This online rehearsal tool enables you to play along to the full audio and backing tracks; adjust the tempo, score view and balance of parts and more. *available until 17th April 2020.
Steinberg Help and Support
Steinberg have released a free trial suite of music production, notation, editing and VST instrument software that everyone can download and use at home for free. With the variety of software included, it’s a bundle which can cover a huge number of music applications, from music composition, recording, mixing, mastering, podcasting, scoring, sound design and much more! Currently available from 2nd April until 15th May 2020. All activation codes to be redeemed by 31st May 2020. Here and here are a couple of useful YouTube videos to help with installation and activation. More info here.
Music Education Solutions
Music Education Solutions have discounted all their online courses from £99 to £10 for the duration of the pandemic. Further info here.
FutureDJs Remote Learning Experiences
FutureDJs have partnered with X2O Media’s virtual classroom technology to deliver an immersive remote learning experience. Read more here.
Duke of Uke
More people than ever are taking up the ukulele! London’s specialist Ukulele store, now operating solely online, have reported an unprecedented surge in ukulele sales. Read more about Duke of Uke and learning the Ukulele here.
Twinkl a website for online music learning is currently offering free Ultimate subscription, no credit card details required. Use the code CVDTWINKLHELPS to claim. Access Twinkl here.
ISM (Incorporated Society of Musicians)
The ISM has collated a selection of online learning resources from their corporate members and partners. These include resources for primary, secondary and instrumental learning, as well as other useful resources. Many are free or discounted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Music Teachers’ Board
The Music Teachers’ Board grade 1-8 exams continue without disruption during the Covid-19 outbreak and they have introduced a number of new measures to support affected teachers and learners. Exams Over Webcam: The exam can now be recorded and submitted to MTB by the student/parent using the MTB app on their phone or tablet. The teacher/centre conducts and verifies this exam over webcam. Free Choice Pieces: Candidates can now enter an exam with up to three free choice pieces. They will still need to prepare the other components of an MTB exam including scales, technical, reading & listening exercises. All of these elements can be downloaded for free from the MTB website. Further information on MTB exams and this update can be found here.
Birmingham Contemporary Music Group
Birmingham Contemporary Music Group has launched Creating Music at Home, two sets of fun digital resources to encourage children to create music in their homes during the Coronavirus outbreak. There is one set for children who don’t have a musical instrument and another set for those who do. Resources are released on Tuesdays (without instruments) and Thursdays (instrumentalists) every week. More info.
Postcard Pieces from London Sinfonietta
The London Sinfonietta invites you to write a new piece of music for them. Inspired by the Postal Pieces of composer James Tenney, the only condition is that it should fit on the back of a postcard. No need to use the traditional notation (although you can if you want to), there is the chance to create a musical ‘score’ using staves and notes, colours, shapes, lines, words, instructions, collage or any combination of these. Open to everyone (and especially those under 18 years old) – the more imaginative your response, the better! More info here.
Durham Music YouTube Channel
To support Music making at home and within schools at this time Durham Music will upload exciting videos every day to support the music making and well being that music making gives. Find out more.
As well as resources for Professional Development there are examples of good practice, lesson plans and the sharing of professional techniques in Recording, Sound, Composition across all the key stages and age groups from Early Years to Seniors including Special Educational Needs. There are also exercises to help deal with stress and to take care of teachers in this difficult time. Access their website.
Music Mark will update this page as and when our partner organisations share resources with us. If you have a resource you’d like to share with our membership please get in touch.
About the Provider
The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster headquartered at Broadcasting House in London, England.
Beat Goes On
Beat Goes On provides STOMP-style body percussion and samba drumming workshops, as well as meaningful CPD for music teachers.
Over 68,500 teachers in 64 countries use Charanga’s online platform and award-winning music education programmes.
Collins Music
Collins Music is an award-winning publisher of inspirational resources for teachers, children and developing musicians.
Hal Leonard Europe
Europe's biggest publisher of printed music and music education resources.
At MusicFirst, we’re here to provide the best music education technology tools to music educators and their students.
The online, interactive music practice book. Creating effective links in supporting efficient teaching, informed parents and engaged students, leading to more practice, progress and enjoyment.
Ocarina Workshop
The English Ocarina has just four finger-holes. Cover them in different combinations to play 14 musical notes. Children and adults play tunes straight away – just follow the charts, breathe steadily and enjoy.
Orchestras for All
Orchestras for All is breaking down barriers to give all young people the life-changing experience of making music together.
Out of the Ark Music
Out of the Ark Music is the country’s leading publisher of songs in primary education and has been providing schools with the very best singing resources for over 30 years. Its songbooks, nativities and musicals have now become something of a standard in UK primary schools.
Royal Ballet & Opera
The Royal Ballet and Opera's National Schools Programme is called Create & Learn. Split into three disciplines – Create & Dance, Create & Sing, and Create & Design – the programme aims to inspire creativity in schools across the country.
Sing Up
Sing Up's online platform and resources are designed to improve learning outcomes; your pupils will be more engaged and focused in the classroom.
Snape Maltings
Snape Maltings is a place of energy and inspiration – one of the world’s leading centres of music and a visitor destination of outstanding natural beauty.
Team Tutti
To encourage creativity and support music education for children in KS2 during this hugely challenging period, M:Tech Education has created a free interactive learning resource called Team Tutti. It is available to all schools and children immediately.
TiME is a national centre of excellence in music technology, dedicated to supporting the purposeful and creative use of Music Technology in Education. We provide information on the ever-growing range of music technology available to improve equitable access.