inspire-music Case Studies
Added to website 08/12/2016. Updated 31/08/2023.
Explore case studies drawn from a wide range of contexts, including school classrooms, early years settings and community locations.
inspire-music aims to help:
- Improve the range and quality of experiences in music and through music for all children and young people;
- Encourage and support curious, creative thinking amongst those leading and managing music education; and
- Contribute to a strong, supportive learning community across the diversity of the workforce.
inspire-music focuses on sharing experience underpinned by evidence. It is designed to be a peer-learning resource that presents real-life examples of practice that is working well, as measured by positive impact on children and young people. It shares the key principles that underpin that effective practice, so that others may be inspired and encouraged to develop these in their own work.
Explore case studies drawn from a wide range of contexts, including school classrooms, early years settings and community locations.
The cases are collected and organised around themes:
- Early Years (pre-school)
- School Key Stages 1, 2 and 3
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- CPD and Training
- Technology
- Music Education Hubs
- Community Music
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About the Provider
A place for everyone involved in music education – school based, community based, formal, informal, non-formal - to be curious, to be inspired and to think about what really works. Inspire-music has been created by a National Working Group chaired by Professor Graham Welch, supported by Programme Director Katherine Zeserson, and funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.