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Introduction to Music Theory 1: Form

Added to website 24/03/2025.

This free course explores form, or the ways in which music is organised in time, using examples from popular music, jazz, North American indigenous song, African dance music and Hindustani classical music.

This free course explores how form is represented through the use of specialist terms (such as ‘verse’ and ‘chorus’) and alphabetic designations (for example, AABA). Together with its subsequent parts, this course introduces Western staff notation and the building blocks of what is sometimes called Western common practice music, including scales and chords in major and minor keys. At the same time – since these elements account for only a small part of the music in the world – each unit also introduces structures and concepts from beyond Western common practice. The division is around 50/50 across the courses. The goal is to teach the basics of one musical language while introducing aspects of many others.

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