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Music in the EYFS

Added to website 23/10/2023. Updated 16/04/2024.

Sutton Music Trust have created a 10-part mini video series, which is designed to support settings with developing their music provision, from practical tips and advice, what resources to use, to assessing their current provision.

At Sutton Music Trust, we are committed to making a difference in the lives of children through music and believe that no child is too young to start their musical journey. We are here to support and empower all staff in EYFS settings, from children’s centres, infant or pre-schools to nurseries and childminders, and are here to help with providing musical opportunities for all their children.

We have created a 10-part mini video series, which is designed to support settings with developing their music provision, from practical tips, to assessing their current provision. Each video is no more than 2 minutes long and helps to meet the identified need in upskilling EYFS practitioners and increasing their confidence in facilitating scheduled and spontaneous music making.

About the Provider

Sutton Music Trust

Our aim at Sutton Music Trust is to help every young person in the London Borough of Sutton to make, be inspired by and to celebrate the music they love. We are committed to making a difference to the lives of young people through music.
