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October Survey results: Are Music Education Hubs back in Schools?

Added to website 19/10/2020. Updated 07/09/2023.

Music Mark conducted a quick survey of its English membership music services at the start of October to see how engagement with schools was compared to the start of the 2019/20 academic year. We have published the results and report here.

In October 2020, Music Mark sent a short survey to its members to gauge how the return to schools was going in the new academic year. 80 members responded, representing 60% of the membership.

The results found that there is considerable school resistance to remote, digital delivery into schools by hub tutors, despite the knowledge and experience that the sector has gained teaching in this mode since March. Many schools are preferring to wait until it is possible to restart face-to-face delivery.

Read the report and suggestions for moving forward below.

About the Provider

Music Mark

We are a membership organisation, Subject Association, and an Arts Council England Investment Principles Support Organisation (IPSO) advocating for excellent musical learning in and out of school.
