One Day One Choir
Added to website 28/06/2017. Updated 31/08/2023.
A singing initiative for peace which has been created to bring people together in their local communities to sing for unity and peace on International Peace Day, September 21 – and is perfect for schools

One Day One Choir is a singing initiative for peace which has been created to bring people together in their local communities to sing for unity and peace on International Peace Day, September 21 – and is perfect for schools.
It provides a simple, inspiring, accessible and inclusive singing based activity which connects countless aspects of school life, from academic to arts, activity and PSHE, and provides the opportunity to involve the entire school, as well as reaching into the community and feeling connected to thousands and thousands of others who will also be singing for unity and peace on September 21st.
You can choose what you want to sing but there are also free songs and assembly/lesson suggestions so please sign up and sing for peace and unity with them
“We couldn’t believe the positive and powerful impact our short peace assembly had on pupils and the school; the children talked about it for weeks. Last year we sent music to our partner school in Malawi so they could join in with us. It was so inspiring; not only did 500 pupils sing there but the entire village came out and sang too!”
Val Riziotis, Cheam Common Infants’ School, Surrey
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About the Provider
One Day One Choir
Singing together has long been a powerful and positive part of bringing and holding communities together and uniting them in a social and healing way. It’s even been shown scientifically to bond us with one another more quickly than any other group activity, which is why we chose the harmonious and uniting power of singing together as a step forward to peace and unity – and because because it’s fun and fab!