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The Open University

The Open University is a global leader in higher education able to reach every adult in the United Kingdom - and many others across the world.

This free course explores pitch, considering how musical sounds are differentiated as notes and as systems of notes and how they are represented.

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This free course explores form, or the ways in which music is organised in time, using examples from popular music, jazz, North American indigenous song, African dance music and Hindustani classical music.

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This is a free resource focusing on the classical concerto with Mozart as the starting point. It incudes links to music by women of Mozart’s time and an animation about Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de St. Georges.

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This free course explores the form of popular songs, and strategies for communicating how music is organised in time.

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Recording Music and Sound provides an historical introduction to music and sound recording in the creative industries and offers some guidance about making your own recordings.

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This free course introduces listening skills and music terminology in an accessible way. It is appropriate for home study, as a teaching resource and for CPD.

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A free course introducing the history and key technical features of the blues.

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A free, open access online course that introduces concepts of music notation and how to follow a score.

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