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Resources that support the advocacy of high quality music education

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An Equity, Diversity and Inclusion movement for the Music Education sector.

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This updated guide provides valuable information for governors of schools across England about the importance, benefits, and value of music education.

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Take a look at our annual review for the academic year 2021/22 to find out how we have been supporting our members and the wider music education sector, and how we plan to continue to support, connect, and influence in future.

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Following the publication of the English National Plan for Music Education in June 2022, the Music Hub Investment Programme (administrated by Arts Council England) gave organisations the opportunity to apply to become a Hub Lead Organisation from September 2024. We collated resources relating to the Investment Programme here.

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A webinar hosted by Music Mark and featuring discussion around the genesis of the National Plan for Music Education in Wales, the National Music Service for Wales and the implications of the Plan.

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Face-to-face or online training and a series of online film resources from a variety of real life group music activities which demonstrate the key facets of musical potential as identified by primary and secondary class teachers, peripatetics, community musicians, music services and other arts organisations.

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The Power of Music: An Exploration of the Evidence gathers and synthesises research in neuroscience, psychology, and education to develop our understanding of the effects of listening to and actively making music.

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In this resource we have compiled resources and additional information relating to the National Plan for Music Education 2022: The Power of Music to Change Lives.

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Case studies and guidance for meaningfully incorporating Youth Voice into your music education organisation.

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Take a look at our annual review for the academic year 2020/21 to find out how we have been supporting our members and the wider music education sector, and how we plan to continue to support, connect, and influence in future.

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