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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Resources to promote the understanding of equity, diversity and inclusion and the adoption of practices to embed it within organisations and their work

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Are you overwhelmed and not sure where to begin in order to find funding for young musicians? AYM have collated a list of national and local opportunities to get you started.

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Global Sound Culture: Kenya is a comprehensive, interactive, and engaging digital learning pack designed to immerse your students in the rich, diverse sounds of Kenya. The pack supports delivery of the National Plan for Music Education with a focus on music technology. There are range of activities suitable across KS2-5.

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Soundabout uses music to create musical communities without barriers, ensuring that people with complex and additional needs have a voice and a way to be heard. These training videos explore Soundabout techniques and practice.

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Little Soundabout and Soundabout Life are a collection of free online musical resources for children and young adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities and their families, carers, and professionals.

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Key findings from pioneering an inclusive national youth orchestra.

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Empower your organisation to evaluate how, where and why Diversity & Inclusion is considered within your strategy, structure, practices and policies with I’M IN.

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With the support of funding from Arts Council England, The Music Hub Support Programme 2022/2023 offered training, advice, coaching, metoring and more to all employees working in Music Hubs across England.

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Practical tools from Sound Connections to help practitioners to explore youth voice engagement within their practice.

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Trauma-informed approaches have become increasingly cited in policy and adopted in practice as a means for reducing the negative impact of trauma experiences and supporting mental and physical health outcomes. They build on evidence developed over several decades. The UK government has now produced a working defenition of trauma-informed practice.

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An introduction to Trinity College’s new Awards and Certificates in Musical Development for people with learning difficulties.

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