Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Resources to promote the understanding of equity, diversity and inclusion and the adoption of practices to embed it within organisations and their work
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A short guide for tutors on how to incorporate the ideas surrounding inclusion into their lessons and teaching.
31 days of inspiring music by female composers. Free calendar to download and A2 poster available to order.
Read this information sheet from Wiltshire Music Connect to gain a deeper understanding about making music with children from Afghanistan.
Find out how to use the Youth Music EDI tools to take action on inclusion. A film by Changing Tracks, the inclusion support programme for music services.
From Microagressions to Racial Trauma these infographics, created by Grace Manisha-Owusu, explain key terms and issues to be aware of as part of your anti-racist work.
A visualisation of some key areas in which you can develop your approach to equity, diversity and inclusion.
Recommendations from Talk into Action pledgees of books, podcasts, social media accounts and video content they’ve engaged with and found valuable.
Explore a wide array of sounds with our interactive list of musical instruments! From the xylophone to the alphorn, click each image to hear it played.
This hub brings together resources exploring the history of Black performers and composers in the UK, as well as current issues around diversity and inclusion.
Indian Takeaway, an online resource brought to you by the ISM Trust and Yogesh Dattani, complete with videos and visual resources, enables you to take away our lesson plans and successfully teach a piece of Indian classical music on any instrument.