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Instrumental & Vocal Teaching

Resources to support teaching and learning

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This set of videos demonstrates how to teach pupils a new tune without notation. They are suitable for any instrument, level or genre. Activities can be used in individual, small or large groups, including ensembles and whole class.

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This academic journal article explores the benefits of community-based group singing for positive wellbeing through a series of interviews, and creates a series of recommendations for group singing interventions.

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As they near the end of two years of funding for CUMIN (the Contemporary Urban Music for Inclusion Network), project leads Pete Dale (University of York) and Pamela Burnard (University of Cambridge) reflect on what has been achieved and what knowledges have arisen, been shared, and generated throughout the project. Their findings platform the work of a range of community music organisations and artists, and call for contemporary music making to be better understood.

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With over 180 songs full of life, colour and goodness, the iconic Songs for EVERY Series continues to have a hugely positive impact upon countless primary schools and children everywhere.

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Sparkyard is a brand-new subscription platform from Out of the Ark, and recent winner of the Outstanding Music Education Resource award at the Music and Drama Education Awards 2023.

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Are you overwhelmed and not sure where to begin in order to find funding for young musicians? AYM have collated a list of national and local opportunities to get you started.

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Learn how to create practical music lessons for KS1 & KS2 classrooms with Reading University’s Dr. Rebecca Berkley.

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Discover inspirational and practical singing strategies to enhance your music curriculum, and feel empowered to share the joy of singing with your students.

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A weekly two minute video to help you be an outstanding music educator? One Musical Thing helps you solve your music education challenges, one musical thing at a time.

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Key findings from pioneering an inclusive national youth orchestra.

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