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Primary Education

Resources to support music education within primary provision

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Music Mark has worked alongside independent Music Education consultant Gary Griffiths to compile COVID-19 related guidance so you can make music safely in and out of school.

We have reviewed academic studies, and consulted our Members, the Music Teachers’ Association, the Music Industries Association, the Incorporated Society of Musicians and the Musicians’ Union, as well as individual sector experts, headteachers and teachers.

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This free app allows students to create their own remixes, taking music by composer Kate Whitley as a starting point, and featuring a specially devised remix by Olugbenga Adelekan of Mercury Prize nominees Metronomy.

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Music lessons from Ocarina Workshop bringing Instrumental and Vocal MUSIC to all areas of the Curriculum – for 5 to 14 year olds and their teachers.

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Shared by the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain, the PDF is advice from a psychologist around how to speak with young people about Coronavirus (covid-19).

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The latest information available on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Lead call and response sessions for your class or school. Resources to enable you to lead a session with no prior experience – plus additional resources to help you put the workshop in its context, enriching the experience for everyone.

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Posters depicting musical notes and their names.

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Interactive piano game to help with teaching piano. A useful resource for primary school teachers.

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