This resource from the National Deaf Children’s Society is an excellent guide that will help music professionals develop confidence in supporting the music education of deaf children and young people.
Evidence of the impact of music education – all in one place. We collect, summarise and share the latest research and evidence, to make it easier for everyone who cares about music education to understand the benefits and advocate them.
Music Mark brought together colleagues from a range of education organisations to consider the production of some brief guidance for schools and music education hubs on how music in schools might be further developed and improved.
The Copyright and Schools website is an information resource to help schools navigate copyright licensing and understand how copyright material can be used legally within a school.
This publication outlines the aims of the national plan for music education and how the initiatives set out by the plan will effect schools, Local Authorities and private music teachers.
This booklet summarises the 10 key benefits of music, from recognition within the National Plan for Music Education that music is an educational building block through to the inclusive nature of music irrespective of abilities.