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Resources to support the progression of young musicians within and beyond formal education

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Music Mark’s new podcast will dive into important topics and challenges facing the music education sector, speaking to a range of exciting guests and providing you with resources and advice to improve your practice.

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Why Music?

Why Music? from Wiltshire Music Connect, provides a range of resources to explain why music matters to children and young people.

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Compare learning courses which cover various aspects of music performance, theory, and business.

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An introduction to AYM’s Identifying Musical Talent and Potential (ITP) training.

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Are you overwhelmed and not sure where to begin in order to find funding for young musicians? AYM have collated a list of national and local opportunities to get you started.

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Key findings from pioneering an inclusive national youth orchestra.

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Explore routes into a career in instrumental or vocal teaching.

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A webinar hosted by Music Mark and featuring discussion around the genesis of the National Plan for Music Education in Wales, the National Music Service for Wales and the implications of the Plan.

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On 17 May 2022, The Welsh Government release their National Plan for Music Education. Find out more about the plan in our collated list of resources.

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This directory provides information about the wide range of accredited qualifications in vocal and instrumental teaching that are available in the UK.

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