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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Music education resources for special educational needs & disability provision

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Resources appropriate for D/deaf/F children.

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Youth music charity Orchestras for All (OFA) has two online training course designed to develop skills in effectively leading an inclusive music ensemble.

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Music Mark’s 2019 Conference took place in Cutlers’ Hall, Sheffield exploring the theme, ‘Play the Bigger Game’.

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A Short Guide to Working Inclusively Through Music is a helpful guide commissioned by MAC Makes Music for any music practitioner or teacher working with children and young people.

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A practical toolkit of inclusive approaches for music making with deaf and hearing impaired children and young people. Developed by SoundLincs, it contains information, activities, advice and resources to support inclusive music delivery.

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SEND Toolkit

This toolkit and training resource was commissioned by Music Education Hubs and developed by SoundLincs and Nottingham Trent University following practitioner led research to explore music-making and singing approaches for whole class teaching in SEND schools.

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Our ‘Teaching Music with iPads’ training programmes provide everything educators need to deliver high-impact composition and performance with pupils aged 7+ in mainstream and ALN/SEND settings.

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A toolkit for music practitioners working with deaf students.

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Full Conference Programme; Music Mark CEO Speech; Power Point presentations by Music Mark Annual Conference 2017 contributors.

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Explore case studies drawn from a wide range of contexts, including school classrooms, early years settings and community locations.

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