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This document from Ealing Music Service summarises the approach to negotiate disruptions to instrumental and singing lessons during COVID19.

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Sing Up and Music Mark commissioned Professor Martin Ashley to write some up-to-date guidance for schools in relation to managing coronavirus risks associated with singing for the start of the new academic year. We have deliberately waited until there was some concrete evidence to base this guidance on, and Professor Ashley has provided his guidance in the light of research published 20.08.20.

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This toolkit is a guide on how to create a more inclusive practice which enables every child to unlock their musical potential.

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These documents are intended to support the continuation of music making in school settings, both instrumental and whole class; to ensure the smooth transition of tuition from an online platform back into the school environment with appropriate support for schools and parents and to resume whole class enrichment activities.

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Music Mark has worked alongside independent Music Education consultant Gary Griffiths to compile COVID-19 related guidance so you can make music safely in and out of school.

We have reviewed academic studies, and consulted our Members, the Music Teachers’ Association, the Music Industries Association, the Incorporated Society of Musicians and the Musicians’ Union, as well as individual sector experts, headteachers and teachers.

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Exploring the specific challenges around licensing in the new online teaching space is increasingly vital to Music Education Providers due to the Coronavirus Lockdown. This session consists of talks from the panellists followed by a Q&A with the session participants.

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Music Services may need to provide pupils, parents and carers with instrument maintenance guides. If you don’t have guides ready to go, we may be able to help!

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Shared by the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain, the PDF is advice from a psychologist around how to speak with young people about Coronavirus (covid-19).

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Music Mark has collated information on how Music Education providers can adapt their provision for online learning including some key safeguarding considerations for this new way of working.

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