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A case for the removal of cisgendered expectations in Western classical singing, and the creation of trans-positive singing spaces.

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Embedding inclusion in the strategy and delivery of music services is the annual findings and review of the Changing Tracks programme for 2019/20.

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Watch the inspiring keynote speech from Dr Julia Jones aka Dr Rock at our 2020 Virtual Conference.

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We are pleased to present our first ever Annual Review. Read more about what we have been doing over the past academic year for our members and the wider music education sector, and how we plan to continue to support, connect, and influence in future.

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Anthem Research

A key part of Anthem’s work is to lobby for and lead research into the impact of music for young people in Wales. We will do this in partnership with young people and with other sector organisations. In 2020, we started this work by commissioning a mapping report and youth consultation.

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Music Mark conducted a quick survey of its English membership music services at the start of October to see how engagement with schools was compared to the start of the 2019/20 academic year. We have published the results and report here.

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Sing Up and Music Mark commissioned Professor Martin Ashley to write some up-to-date guidance for schools in relation to managing coronavirus risks associated with singing for the start of the new academic year. We have deliberately waited until there was some concrete evidence to base this guidance on, and Professor Ashley has provided his guidance in the light of research published 20.08.20.

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NCO’s annual report reflecting on their work throughout 2019 exploring, “What can a children’s orchestra do that no other orchestra could?”

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An inquiry into funding for and access to music education in Wales by the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee.

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