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These guides and resources from Make My Money Matter can support your organisation in greening its money.

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The groundbreaking Over The Digital Horizon project from Wiltshire Music Connect provides a series of inspirational resources and webinars which explore how digital technology can transform access to musical opportunities. Following the closure of Wiltshire Music Connect, the Over the Digital Horizon content is now available to acccess here on the Music Mark website.

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Why Music?

Why Music? from Wiltshire Music Connect, provides a range of resources to explain why music matters to children and young people.

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The aim of the library is for every young person to have an instrument that meets their interests, abilities and needs, and for teachers to be able to use it effectively in both curriculum and instrumental teaching contexts.

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A range of resources designed to encourage creativity and support delivery of the Model Music Curriculum in schools. These free, downloadable materials offer simple yet effective pathways into jazz and improvisation with an initial focus on Key Stages 1 & 2 and for First Access instrumentalists.

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Following the 2024 riots, Music Mark put a call out to its members asking for projects and resources that champion Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI). This page brings together case studies, resources and events to help and inspire others to promote these values in their work.

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Sustainability Support for Education enables education settings to start or progress on their sustainability journey. This includes all types of settings from Early Years to Higher Education.

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A map to accompany you on your Inclusive Music Practice journey developed as part of Think22 that helped to bring inclusive practice to the forefront of music education in England. The four resources reflect Drake Music’s core organisational approach of Disabled and Non-Disabled educators, musicians

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Discover the Proud Trust’s array of positive, specific and inclusive KS3 and KS4 resources to support LGBT+ youth and LGBT+ education.

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Discover the Proud Trust’s array of KS1 and KS2 resources which help enable conversations that usualise the existence of LGBT+ people and help de-stigmatise language and wordings.

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