Young People and Participation in Amateur Music Groups
Added to website 20/10/2016. Updated 06/09/2023.
Research published by Making Music sheds new light on the obstacles amateur music groups face when attracting younger members.

This research was funded by a legacy donation to Making Music, with the aim of uncovering the barriers that are stopping young people from joining amateur music groups. It comes in response to a 2014 survey by Music for All which found that there are 13.6 million people in the UK who could be described as a lapsed player, of which almost 70% stopped by the time they were 16 years old.
The results will provide the basis for Making Music to develop additional resources, tools and advice over the next two years to help groups remove or mitigate these barriers and to help young people find and get involved in amateur music.
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Making Music
Making Music is the UK’s number one organisation for leisure-time music, with a membership of over 3,500 music groups comprising nearly 200,000 hobby musicians across the UK. We support groups with practical resources, artistic development opportunities, and by celebrating their achievements and advocating for musical activity and music education in and for communities.